Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Kevin Loney : Oracle Database 10g “The Complete Reference (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)”

Ebook Free Download |Kevin Loney : Oracle Database 10g “The Complete Reference (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)”| It didn’t seem possible that Mr. Loney could surpass the excellence of his previous books, but I have found “10g: The Complete Reference” to be the most comprehensive and well-written Oracle book on the market today. Most of 10g’s new features are complex and can be misapplied if not understood thoroughly. Mr. Loney provides DBAs and developers with clean, concise writing and relevant examples that allow developers and DBAs to exploit the new features of Oracle 10g quickly and appropriately. The beginning sections on Oracle fundamentals should be required reading for all Oracle professionals. His wealth of experience is evident throughout the book. Indispensable for anyone...

User Mode Linux by Jeff Dike

Ebook Free Download |User Mode Linux by Jeff Dike| The book does a good job of describing UML configuration options and facilities. But where it really shines is in the ancillary material, covering the whys and hows of other subsystems that work in conjunction with UML. For example, I found the treatment of network trouble-shooting that is interspersed with the UML networking section to be very well-done and useful beyond UML alone. Another high point is the information about kernel memory management (in conjunction with the discussion of tt, skas0 and skas3). But by far, the most enjoyable and impressive section of the book is the last two chapters in which the author challenges the reader to think about the wider implications of OS virtualization – for example why...

Unix for Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger: Visual QuickPro Guide (2nd Edition) by Matisse Enzer

Ebook Free Download |Unix for Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger: Visual QuickPro Guide (2nd Edition)| I have a working understanding of UNIX and am a Mac user. In my experience, this book is ideally targeted for someone like me that wants to improve UNIX skills and prefers to do so on a Mac. Other texts I’ve consulted seem to jump too fast between really elementary subjects to needs of a system admin. The depth here is still rich, but the reader has time to digest the information before getting to more complex constructs.Fileso...

Embedded Linux Primer: A Practical Real-World Approach, 2nd Edition

Ebook free download | Blender 3D 2.49 Incredible Machines | Bender3D is one of the most popular 3D modelers. It is open source and has been used in the making of many cinema productions, and in the development of many computer games.This book, Blender 3D 2.49 Incredible Machines, tells you how to construct machines that doesn’t exist in our world, but belong to sci-fi or steampunk fantasy, and have amazing capabilities.This title is focused to those that already know how to model with Blender, and uses a project-based learning approach. You learn following several projects, that are like tutorials, and you learn the workflows, the tricks, and everything in this easy way.Fileso...

Statistical Analysis with R

Ebook free download | Statistical Analysis with R | I highly enjoy the way the author introduces R to users – by having the users analyze a set of data with the role of saving a kingdom during the ancient China era. All the functions introduced in this book are the basic functions anyone needs to start exploring their data in R. I find myself using these functions all the time even though I am now more experienced in R. The user do not have to learn functions that they will never use when it comes to analyzing their own dataset. Overall, the book covers the fundamentals required to understand how R works and provide the basic functions for users to start using R on their own. The author assumes that the user has no prior background on any programming language or...

Learning Android

Ebook Free Download |Learning Android| Learning Android by Marco Gargenta is what I would consider a high level introductory book for those well grounded in Java or have a strong OO development background and don’t mind coming up to speed in order to learn Android. If you like to learn by building out non-trivial applications in a style that mimic’s real world development then consider this book.Fileso...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Computer Buses, W.Buchanan

Pages : 624Format : PDFSize : 4.2 mbDownl...

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